Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Point Break

You know what movie is always on TV......Point Break. I can't figure out if I really like the movie (because I always find myself watching it whenever it is on) or whether I don't because Keanu Reeves is so bad in it that he ruins everything.

As bad an actor he is, he somehow always finds himself in good movies. I don't get it. What producer watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and said to themselves, "yeah, this Ted "Theodore" Logan kid needs to be in blockbuster pictures." He is awful. My favorite from Point Break is......."I am and F.B.I. agent". Hilarious.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Which one do you like better?

The other day I watched both versions of Cape Fear on TV and I have to say that I think the remake is better. Robert DeNiro is so good as Max Cady.

What do you think?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Movie Preview - The Taking of Pelham 123

Here comes another movie that's a remake. Is it me or is Hollywood getting really lazy? All they do anymore is remake old movies or make 70's and 80's tv shows and cartoons into movies. It's few and far between when a good movie with an original story comes out.

That being said, I am intrigued by this movie and want to see it. I never saw the original movie from '74 starring the late Walter Matthau but there's something about Denzel Washington and an inked up crazy looking John Travolta (yes, we are talking about the same guy who won a dance contest doing the hand jive) that makes we want to dish out the dough to go see it.

Both of these gentlemen are superb actors in their own right and both seem to be playing parts that suit them. Travolta has a knack for playing the insane but intelligent bad guy (see Swordfish) while Denzel plays me vs. the world better than anyone I've ever seen (see all of his movies, except Training Day which he was incredible in).

It should be interesting and I'll let you know how it is.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Five Greatest Movies of All-Time

Now this list has been revised and altered many times over the years but I think I have it to a point where if I had to write it down on paper and laminate it.....I would. Eventually I will come out with a list of the 50 or 100 greatest movies of all time after I get some feedback from you folks, but let me know what you think of my movie list and feel free to give me your top five. I will use it to help complile my list of 50 or 100. Without further adieu......(drumroll please):

1) The Godfather - An absolutely perfect movie. It has no flaws. The story is brilliant, the characters are incredible and the direction is superb. I don't think I'll have many disagreements here.
2) Braveheart - This movie has it all. Action, drama, love and even a little comedy. The fact that it is truth based makes it even more intriguing. William Wallace and his blue face paint will always give hope to the downtrodden (and haunt my dreams).
3) The Shawshank Redemption - I don't know about you, but I can never turn this movie off when it comes on. There is no better feeling for me than when Andy Dufresne sticks it to the warden. It doesn't hurt that Morgan Freeman narrates and co-stars. That man is brilliant!
4) Die Hard - Your classic action film. Bruce Willis is excellent as a wise-cracking bad-ass who isn't perfect but always finds a way to save the day. Hans bad guy name ever!
5) Stalag 17 - I have to throw a modern day war-themed movie in here and this is the one. Excellent story that was very well acted. William Holden does a great job of making you hate him and turns out to be the good guy in the end.

Honorable Mention: The Matrix, Platoon, The Usual Suspects, Gladiator, Forrest Gump

I know I'm going to hear it for this one but I'm ready for it. Please comment away!